Thursday, May 15, 2008

IQ distribution across countries (as per an study by Dr Lynn)

Some interesting bits ("As per this study"):
  1. Poor French - they are < UK, Germany, and even Italy :).
  2. Surprisingly, norway and denmark dont figure in the top group.
  3. and Italy does :). I did nt know that baking pizzas improved IQ.
  4. Israel is part of the second group - may be cause it is country's average, of all inhabitants (all ethnic groups).
  5. Same for India - because of multi-ethnicity of its population, is clubbed in third group (not in second, or first).


Anonymous said...

Wish u a Very-2 happy bday....!!!
May u get whatever ur heart desire for....... :)
Lots of Blogging n Even more comments on ur blogs :))
Sheeba :)

Hum :) said...

Sorry for being incommunicado for sooo long... :|
n I know in this period of procrastination .. u grew one year older :) n I think u dont know .. but even i was busy celebrating my "Happy B'day" Last week :))

Now I m back .. n so are my curiosities :)))

Hum :)